DT Defense Entrepreneurs

The Defense Entrepreneurs Forum

The Defense Entrepreneurs Forum brings emerging military leaders together through the internet and in a real world setting to hear cutting-edge ideas and engage in cross-cultural networking opportunities. In partnership with leading universities, successful veterans and venture capitalists organizations, these innovative military thinkers are exposed to knowledgeable business leaders, instructors alongside successful innovators of all ranks. Unlike most National Security symposiums, the speakers and leaders featured at DEF are young, entrepreneurial and successful active duty personnel. Check out the DEF 2014 conference!

SOF iLab

SOF iLab

To encourage new ideas, accept appropriate risk and develop new solutions that add value to our enterprise. Go to the SOF iLab.



Stanford Design School

The Stanford d.school

d.school welcomes students with a methodology for innovation that combines creative and analytical approaches, and requires collaboration across disciplines. This process—which has been called design thinking—draws on methods from engineering and design, and combines them with ideas from the arts, tools from the social sciences, and insights from the business world. d.school students learn this process together, and then personalize it, internalize it, and apply it to their own challenges.




Thinking like a designer can transform the way organizations develop products, services, processes, and strategy. This approach, which IDEO calls design thinking, brings together what is desirable from a human point of view with what is technologically feasible and economically viable. It also allows people who aren't trained as designers to use creative tools to address a vast range of challenges.

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Visit our collaborative work site

Please check out our NPS Design communities' Collaborative Tools at our All Partner Access Network (APAN) Site, www.APAN.org.  Once you are a member, you can join the NPS Design Community at https://wss.apan.org/s/npsdesign/default.aspx