Yu Title

Warren Yu

Chief Learning Officer
Cebrowski Institute for Innovation
More info on Warren Yu
This data discusses the fundamental question for Continuous Integration Environment and Bridging NPS and Naval Oceanography to Accelerate Warfighter Capabilities, along with some key objectives listed for the research.
METOC Analytic Capabilities

METOC Analytic Capabilities

The fundamental research question is, "How might we best integrate a continuously supportive technical development environment across multiple teams who work under opposing fiscal, legal, and policy barriers in order to deliver timely, modern, efficient and effective solutions for the 21st century warfighter?"


The fundamental research question is, "How might we best develop and document an executable concept and process that will develop new METOC (Battlespace on Demand Tier 3) analytic capabilities supporting Fleet missions innate to FNMOC and NPS?" .


1. Coordinate with FNMOC to identify authoritative METOC data sources and related formats.

2. Identify existing METOC entity models and metadata tag constructs currently in use and connect those model and tag owners with the ONR Naval Tactical Cloud team to identify potential synergies for adaptation to a cloud-based architecture.

3. Identify synergies and new approaches that will enable data fusion in support of new METOC analytics and identify other stakeholders who can contribute to analytic tool development via a holistic, multi-disciplinary approach.

4. Develop an executable concept, definition of stakeholder roles, and articulation of an overarching, multi-disciplinary process to govern development of new METOC analytic capabilities and

5. Capture lessons learned on the organizational and technical aspects and challenges related to standing up this new capability and make recommendations on how to overcome impediments from organizational, technical, and policy related factors. .